Pastor Jonathan Eckberg preaches a follow-up to our Easter message in 1 Corinthians 15. Too often we celebrate the holy days only to return to our regular schedules, unchanged by what we have just witnessed. This was not the case for Jesus’ disciples and should not be the case for us. But how, exactly, does considering the resurrection alter our …
New Day, New Life – 1 Corinthians 15:56-57
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg preaches a special Easter message entitled, “New Day, New Life.” The resurrection of Jesus Christ is much more than a historically miraculous event. It is the event that washed over the darkness, fear, and doubt that filled the preceding weekend. In doing so, the dawn of Easter morning changes everything about our lives and our world. How so? …
The Road to Worship – Luke 19:28-44
Pastor Ron Eckberg teaches a special Palm Sunday message. To experience God is to worship God but what exactly does that mean? How do we truly worship God? Join us Sunday as we begin our Easter week of services with a look at three aspects of worship found in Luke 19 and the story of Jesus entrance into Jerusalem.