Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our series on gratitude. Over the past two weeks we’ve been reminded of the gratitude that should pour out of us when we consider the salvation of Jesus Christ and the renewal of the Holy Spirit. But as we think on these things we also remember that, in Christ, we are adopted into the family of …
Thankful for Renewal – Gratitude (week 2)
Pastor Ron Eckberg teaches the second week in our 3-week series on gratitude. Last week we built a foundation for gratitude. It develops when we never forget the beauty of our salvation. This week we’ll see how the grateful heart that rejoices in the salvation of Jesus continues to live in celebration and with great joy because of God’s restoration …
Thankful for Salvation – Gratitude (week 1)
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg kicks off our new sermon series that leads us through the Thanksgiving season. We live in one of the most prosperous times and cultures in human history. And yet, depression, anxiety, and discontent seem to be the norm rather than the exception. So how do we grasp the fullest joy possible? We gratefully consider the true riches …