In a break from our current series, Pastor Ron Eckberg teaches a special message on responding to the unknowns in our lives. Everywhere we turn we face the “what ifs” of life. Some will come to pass, most will not. So how should God’s people respond to the continued negativity of our world and, sometimes, our own minds? The Apostle Paul …
No Greater Love – John 15:9-17
Pastor Ron Eckberg delivers a special Memorial Day message at EEFC. Memorial Day should be a somber day of remembering those who paid the ultimate price defending freedoms we enjoy. For Christians, however, there is a greater “Memorial Day” called “Every Day” – for every day, hour, and minute should be a reminder of the price Christ paid for our …
How the Mighty Fall – 1 Samuel 17
Pastor Ron Eckberg brings a special messages to EEFC. Most of us are familiar with the story of David and Goliath, but how well do we really understand the significance of this great confrontation? Join us Sunday as we open to first Samuel 17 and revisit the story of David and Goliath in a study titled, How the Mighty Fall.
In Jars of Clay – 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Pastor Ron Eckberg preaches a special message for our church. Far too many Christians feel as though they have no ministry calling because they are so “ordinary”. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ordinary people, those of us the Apostle Paul refers to as “jars of clay”, are the ones God most often chooses to accomplish his purposes. Join …
Married For Life – John 13
Pastor Ron Eckberg shares a special message from John 13. For better or worse. For richer or poor. In sickness and in health. Those phrases—so often heard in wedding ceremonies—define the depth a marriage relationship. But how many of us apply those same characteristics to all our relationships? We examine this topic through the lens of God’s Word in a …
Father’s Day 2022 – Faithful Leadership
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg presents a special Father’s Day message. As we celebrate the men God has used in each of our lives to help lead us into a deeper and richer faith, we reflect on what faithful biblical leadership looks like in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. In doing so, we consider how we, no matter our position, can faithfully lead others …
A Mother for the Times – Exodus 1:15-2:20, Isaiah 49:15
Pastor Ron Eckberg preaches a special Mother’s Day message. No human being on earth can come closer to understanding the heart and the hurts of God as does a Godly mother. As a mother weeps over her children, so does God; As a mother rejoices over her children, so does God. And those bonds will never change. Join us for …
Faith Comes from Hearing – Romans 10:9-15
Mitch Saad brings a special message to Erie Evangelical Free Church. Mitch is an EEFC sponsored missionary currently serving in Vietnam. We are grateful for Mitch’s faithfulness and for the blessing we have of supporting his kingdom work there.
The Comeback Kids – Psalm 126
Pastor Ron Eckberg preaches a special message from Psalm 126. Most of us love a good comback story. We appreciate watching someone who has fallen from the pinnacle of their life or profession and have experienced the deep darkness of the valley, show the dogged determination to claw their way back to the top.
Decision Points – Psalm 37, Romans 8, Luke 14
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches a special new year’s message. There is nothing magical about the changing of the calendar. However, it does present us with the perfect opportunity to assess where we are and decide where we want to be a year from now. For us to grow and mature in our faith over the next 12 months we must …