Pastor Ron Eckberg brings a special message to our morning service called, “When We Gather”. Every believer understands that gathering to worship with the body of Christ is important. But why? Whey can’t we just engage in online Bible studies and virtual services? What happens when we gather that makes that time so vital to our spiritual growth and maturity? …
The Word is Love – Hebrews 1:1-4
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our 2021 Advent series, “Awe and Wonder”. As the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15), Jesus is the perfect expression of God’s infinite love. Usually we point to the manger and the cross as our evidence. While this is good, the question remains: HOW does Jesus’ life perfectly express God’s infinite love. We get a …
Joyfully Enduring Together – Hebrews 12:1-2
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg opens our new year with a special message, “Joyfully Enduring Together.” New Year’s resolutions offer a great way to challenge ourselves to improve. But why do most fail? They fail because change is hard and when things get hard it’s difficult to stick with them. Hebrews 12 shows us how God supplies us with the endurance to …