Pastor Jonathan Eckberg kicks off our new sermon series that leads us through the Thanksgiving season. We live in one of the most prosperous times and cultures in human history. And yet, depression, anxiety, and discontent seem to be the norm rather than the exception. So how do we grasp the fullest joy possible? We gratefully consider the true riches …
A Mother for the Times – Exodus 1:15-2:20, Isaiah 49:15
Pastor Ron Eckberg preaches a special Mother’s Day message. No human being on earth can come closer to understanding the heart and the hurts of God as does a Godly mother. As a mother weeps over her children, so does God; As a mother rejoices over her children, so does God. And those bonds will never change. Join us for …
The Victory of Jesus – Isaiah 60:1-22
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the third week of our Advent series, “Awe and Wonder.” When we think of the manger, we tend to be drawn to the peace and serenity of the scene. While important, this can cause us to miss the awe and wonder of God’s immense power and victory that is displayed in the birth of Jesus. This …