About Us

Erie Evangelical Free Church exists in order to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.

Our Core Values

We Love Jesus

Everything we do and everything we are is built around a dedicated love for Jesus Christ. Our work as a church and the conduct of our individual daily lives are a grateful response to His glorious offer and act of salvation.

We Care for One Another

The beauty of the body of Christ is that it gives us an opportunity to care for one another. We are not just fellow church goers, but family. Therefore, we constantly love and seek the best for one another as we share in this journey of life and faith.

We Serve our Community

The church is to be a lighthouse to the community. Therefore, we are committed to being a people that do all we can to make our community a better place to live, work, play, and worship so that the glory of Jesus Christ will be evident to the watching world around us.

We Share the Gospel

We have the power to change our world through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are passionate about sharing the joy and excitement of our faith with those around us. We do this through personal outreach, relationships, and our support of both local and global missions.

What We Believe

In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity. – Augustine

Our Staff


Jonathan Eckberg

Lead Pastor

Pastor Jonathan has been married to his wonderful wife, Erin, since June 2011 and the proud parents of daughters Emersyn (9) and Hayden (6) and son Chase (7).

Jonathan came to EEFC after completing his seminary work at Grace Theological Seminary (Winona Lake, IN). He has service our church family since November 2014.


Ron Eckberg

Associate Pastor

Pastor Ron is joined in life and ministry by his childhood sweetheart and wife of 43 years, Judy. They have five sons, four daughters-in-law, eight grandchildren and three grand-puppies!


Erin Eckberg

Pastoral Secretary

Erin began working in our office in 2016. She is a vital help to the pastors in the areas of administration, communication and creative aspects of the church’s ministry.

Get in Touch

We always love to hear from you. Give us a call or an email or stop by the office during normal business hours.

Sunday Service Times

Sunday Celebration 10:00 am

Discovery Groups for All Ages9:00 am


Address 1409 16th Avenue, Erie, Illinois 61250

Phone 309-659-7125

Email admin@erieefree.com