Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us through the next message in our study of the gospel of Matthew. It’s great to know who we are and what we are supposed to do. What’s difficult is maintaining the motivation and courage to act on what we know. But God calls us to action for a purpose and He gives us everything we …
Fighting for Fidelity – Matthew 16:1-12
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through our study in the book of Matthew. While we (should) want to live faithfully in response to God’s salvation, when we’re honest, we all too often find ourselves wandering or drifting from the way of Jesus. What is it that pulls on our faithfulness and how can we get back on track? …
From Here to There – Philippians 3:12-14
Pastor Ron Eckberg teaches a special message from Philippians 3. Among the Apostle Paul’s many great character strengths was the ability to understand the balances of life. He could be content in his circumstances but never content in his spiritual journey. He was always seeking to “press on toward the goal” (Philippians 3:14). Can we say the same? Here we …
Mission on Display – Matthew 15:21-39
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through the gospel of Matthew. We can easily lose ourselves in the day-to-day routine of life. We can work so hard to accomplish the next task, make the next appointment, or take the next step that we forget the reason we do what we do. In this week’s passage Jesus reminds us of …
Beyond Hollow Effort – Matthew 15:1-20
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to teach through our series in the gospel of Matthew. Nobody likes to waste their time. We want the things we do to be valuable and worth our effort. After Jesus called his disciples to action (14:13-36), He showed them the dangers of going through the motions. In this lesson we see the deception of pointless …
A Crash Course – Matthew 14:13-36
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study in the Gospel of Matthew. It is great to be able to take our time and really prepare for a new challenge. But sometimes we get thrust into a position of sink-or-swim. But how do we maintain our focus and discover the most we can when we are not sure what to do next? …
A Look Ahead – Matthew 14:1-12
NOTE: We apologize for the audio quality of this week’s podcast. We lost all power just before service so the message was only recorded on the video camera at the back of the room. We will have our normal audio up next week. In the meantime, we thank you for your patience. Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series in …
The Danger of Familiarity – Matthew 13:53-58
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg launches our new series, “The Spark,” as we jump back into our study through the Gospel of Matthew. We all like to be comfortable. But what happens when our comfort in what we think, like, or do becomes the ultimate standard by which we measure our lives? And how do we prepare to respond when Jesus calls …
Christmas in a Dark Age
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg finishes out our Christmas series. Over the past few weeks we’ve talked about how the birth of Jesus provides every generation of God’s people with reason to celebrate. But the incarnation is bigger than just the believers. This week we discuss how Christmas matters to all mankind.
Christmas and the New Testament
Pastor Ron Eckberg leads us through the second week of our Christmas series, “Christmas Parties.” Last week we discussed how the coming of the Messiah is a celebration for the faith of the Old Testament. This week we move forward to see how the birth of Jesus was the perfect act to bring hope and celebration to the faith of …