Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our study through Matthew 11-13 with a final message titled, “Picking Sides.” Over the past several weeks, we have heard Jesus establishing a choice of how every person will respond to Him. As we close out this section of the gospel of Matthew we find Jesus addressing His disciples and showing them the value of choosing …
Seeing Things Upside Down – Matthew 13:24-43
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the next passage in our study through the Gospel of Matthew. When we look at the world around us, it can be difficult to see beyond the darkness and confusion. But it often takes only a slight shift in perspective to see this life flipped on it’s head, bringing us back into alignment with God’s good and …
Life and Death in the Garden – Matthew 13:1-23
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us into Matthew 13 in the middle of our series, “Polar Exploration”. In Matthew 11-12, Jesus has shown us varying responses to His identity as our Savior. By doing so, we are reminded that we all must respond to the call of the gospel. Why is our response so important? Jesus tells us in Matthew 13:1-23.
The Assurance in our Adoption – Matthew 12:38-50
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg dives back into our study of the book of Matthew. Doubt is a common experience in the Christian faith. But in our moments of doubt, how do we remain steadfast in our adoption into God’s family? Matthew 12:38-50 shows us three ways to build a foundation of trust in Jesus’ power, authority, and grace.
The Proof of the Power of Surrender – Matthew 12:15-37
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through our study of the Gospel of Matthew 11-13. Jesus is Lord of all. He revealed His authority in Matthew 12:1-14. But what does this mean to us? What hope does this massive truth bring to our day-to-day lives? We find the answer as Jesus addresses the polar responses of the Pharisees and those …
The Rest in Done over Do – Matthew 12:1-14
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through our study of Matthew 11-13 in our current series, “Polar Exploration”. Last Sunday we heard Jesus offer peace in the midst of spiritual chaos. It is no wonder that those who opposed Jesus would next challenge that peace in the physical realm. As Jesus is confronted regarding the Sabbath, He shows us the breadth …
The Certainty of Judgment and Rest – Matthew 11:20-30
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the second week in our study of Matthew 11-13. Is Jesus who He says He is? Our answer to that question changes not only the stability of our faith, but our peace in living out that faith. Either we are left with a hefty burden of our own achievement or we find the peace of security in …
The Pull of Faith and Doubt – Matthew 11:1-19
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us unto a brand new series called, “Polar Exploration,” as part our study through the gospel of Matthew. The ministry of Jesus drew a myriad of responses. Some people whole-heartedly accepted Him, others followed with reservations or in search of entertainment, still others violently opposed Him. In the end, as is the case today, our faith …