Pastor Jonathan Eckberg launches us into our new series, “Christmas Parties”. In a season where Christmas parties abound, it’s easy to get lost in the moment and only see what is right in front of us. But, in order to rejoice more deeply in this Christmas season we have to go back to see what the birth of Jesus meant …
The Rest in Done over Do – Matthew 12:1-14
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through our study of Matthew 11-13 in our current series, “Polar Exploration”. Last Sunday we heard Jesus offer peace in the midst of spiritual chaos. It is no wonder that those who opposed Jesus would next challenge that peace in the physical realm. As Jesus is confronted regarding the Sabbath, He shows us the breadth …
The Certainty of Judgment and Rest – Matthew 11:20-30
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the second week in our study of Matthew 11-13. Is Jesus who He says He is? Our answer to that question changes not only the stability of our faith, but our peace in living out that faith. Either we are left with a hefty burden of our own achievement or we find the peace of security in …
Peace in the Wilderness – Genesis 28:10-22
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study through the book of Genesis. We all want our days to be filled with peace. In Genesis 28:10-22, we find Jacob in a chaotic time of life (can you relate?). We also find God intervening to grant the peace that Jacob needs in that very moment. Through this interaction we see three avenues through …
Frustration vs. Peace – Ecclesiastes 4:1-16
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series through Ecclesiastes called, “Vs.” Solomon has talked about a lot of the futility of human life. And, from a certain perspective, we can easily see and agree with his point. But we still have a choice in how we respond to such futility. It can either frustrate us or lead us to peace. How …
The Pursuit of Rest – Leviticus 25
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study through Leviticus by discussing our pursuit of rest. We all need rest. Most of us could use a lot more of it than we actually get. But rest is about more than just sitting down or sleeping in. In Leviticus 25 God tells us about how He orders life to give His people rest. …
Longing for Rest – John 1
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg begins our Advent series, “Longing for Christmas” in John 1. Christmas is a wonderful season full of joy and hope and anticipation. Unfortunately, for many these amazing gifts are reminder of that something is missing the rest of the year. Join us as we begin to see how the advent of Jesus meets the unfulfilled desires of …
Practical Sabbath – Mark 2:23-28
Pastor Jonathan closes our back-to-school series, “Recess” by looking at Mark 2:23-28. We have discussed what Sabbath is and why we reject it. But, how do we actually implement a biblical Sabbath rest into our lives? This Sunday we see Jesus confronted about His “work” on the Sabbath. From this we draw four foundations for Sabbath practice in our own …
Sabbath Diagnostics – Why We Reject Rest
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our back-to-school series on God’s Sabbath rest. Last week we discussed the gift of Sabbath and why it is valuable for our lives. But why then do we so often reject it? This week we will look at reasons we reject Sabbath, the idols that lie behind them, and how we can overcome them to embrace …
Rest For the Restless – Exodus 20:8-11
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg kicks off our back to school series, “Recess,” by teaching on the beauty and blessing of God’s Sabbath rest. Our world moves FAST! It often feels like we have to work harder and harder to keep up. This, inevitably, leaves us all feeling worn out. But this is not the way we were created to live. This …