Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the final message of our study through 1 John. Over the past few months we’ve heard John assure the believers of their faith and encourage them to stay the course. He wants to make sure that his audience does not forget this. So, as he concludes his letter, he once again reminds them of the security …
A Life of Righteous Prayer – 1 John 5:13-17
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the penultimate message in our study through 1 John. Even a very surface level study of the Christian faith reveals that prayer is significant. As we grow in our faith we are constantly learning how prayer is integrated into every aspect of our faith. In 1 John 5:13-17, the Apostle John tells us how righteous, Kingdom-minded …
The Testimony of Love – 1 John 5:5-12
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our teaching from 1 John 5 in our series, “A Different Kind of Love.” John has argued the depth of God’s love for us and the importance of sharing that love with one another. But how, with so much information and so many activities before us in our lives, can we trust that God’s love is …
Love, Obedience, and Victory
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us back into our study through 1 John and our series, “A Different Kind of Love”. In 1 John 4 we read John’s instructions on what divine love is and how to love God and others. But why? Why does John spend such a large portion of his writing to the church on the topic of …
Living Out God’s Love – 1 John 4:11-21
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg preaches message #4 in our final series in 1 John, “A Different Kind of Love”. John has spent significant time teaching about God’s love and instructing us to know it and share it with others. But what does it look like to live this out? In John 4:11-21 we get three aspects of a love that is …
God is Love – 1 John 4:7-10
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study in 1 John through our series, “A Different Kind of Love.” God is love. It’s a phrase we know well and one that is employed often by believers and non-believers alike. But what does it actually mean? 1 John 4:7-10 tells us how these three simple words change the way we engage our lives …
Testing for Truth – 1 John 4:1-6
Pastor Ron Eckberg continues our series, “A Different Kind of Love.” On the night of his arrest and trial Jesus stood before Pilate who asked the age-old question, “What is truth?” Two thousand years later the answer to that question seems to be as elusive to our world as ever. The problem, of course, is that we continue to look …
The Confidence of Love – 1 John 3:19-24
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads the second week in our series, “A Different Kind of Love” as we continue to study the letter of 1 John. We began this new series talking about 3 facets of God’s love. When we grasp the immensity of God’s incredible love, we find the strength to live out our Christian life on a daily basis. …
A Different Kind of Love – 1 John 3:11-18
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg begins a new series called, “A Different Kind of Love,” as we continue our study through the book of 1 John. Love is one of the most abused words in the English language. It is also crucial to our understanding of the Christian faith and life. How, then, should we properly understand and live in light of …