Pastor Jonathan teaches the final week of our Back to School series on prayer. It’s great to have knowledge of a subject. It’s even better to put that knowledge into action. But there will always be obstacles that prevent us from completing our mission. Prayer is no different. This week we discuss four common categories of barriers that keep us …
How Should we Pray? – Matthew 6:9-13
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us through the second week of our Back to School series on prayer, “All Call.” It’s much easier to know information than it is to put that information into action. Why? Because information is easily attained, but change takes planning and effort and it requires hard work. Last week we discussed what prayer is. This week …
What is Prayer? – Nehemiah 1:4-5
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the first week of our three-week Back-to-School series on prayer. If asked, “What is prayer?”, most of us would respond something to the effect of, “It’s talking to God.” That is true. But is that all it is? I talk to lots of people every day. Is prayer just another in a line of conversations? This …