Pastor Ron Eckberg concludes our current series in the opening chapters of the Gospel of Matthew. Have you ever been tempted? Of course you have. Have you ever given in to temptation? A double “of course you have”. Fighting the battle with the myriad of temptations that come our way is the most common of our human experiences. Even Jesus …
Setting the Table – Matthew 3:1-12
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series in the opening chapters of Matthew. Before Matthew begins the story of Jesus’ life and ministry, we meet John the Baptist. John is a man on a mission. He is announcing the serious need to prepare for the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah. And what do we learn from this bold proclamation from an …
Wheels in Motion – Matthew 2:1-23
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study in the Gospel of Matthew. After Jesus is born, God continues to move through obedient, curious, and even wicked men. The events that follow the Messiah’s arrival give us some amazing reminders of how faithful and powerful God is as we rejoice in the blessing of being called to serve Him and His glory …
Shaping a Faithful Response – Matthew 1:18-25
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the second week of our introduction to the book of Matthew. Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promised Messiah. But how did he come to be a part of OUR story? And what do we learn about faithful surrender from that moment when he burst into His creation? Our answers come as we celebrate Christmas in …
Introducing the King – Matthew 1:1-17
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg begins our new series, “Hello!” This series is the first part of our study through the Gospel of Matthew. Sometimes introductions are not necessary. At least not in order to identity a person. But even when we know a person’s identity, to really know them we need an introduction. In the opening verses of the book of Matthew …