Jon Brands (EEFC Elder) shares a special message with us on the call to servanthood. Scripture is abundantly clear that part of our calling as followers of Jesus is to serve others. No reasonable believer would argue otherwise. But why is this so important, how do we do this, and what is the purpose of being a servant? These are questions we …
Sanctification Through Christ – Romans 6:14
Josh Green offers a special message on living for Christ. The moment of our salvation is an eternity shaping event. Whether we feel the magnitude of it or not, it is the single most important instant of our lives. But… what then? How does the immensity of that powerful moment shape our everyday lives? Paul explains in Romans 6:1-14.
A Simple Faith – Micah 6:8
Pastor Ron Eckberg brings us a special message from Micah 6:8. It’s amazing how hard we humans work at turning the simple into something complicated. For example, “Love your neighbor” means “Love your neighbor”, right? In the Old Testament we find God giving us a simple formula to fulfill what he requires of us.
Breathing Life into a Dying World – 1 Peter 2:9-10
Pastor Ron Eckberg brings a special message from 1 Peter 2:9-10.
A Tale of Two Fathers – 1 Kings 2:1-4
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg offers a special Father’s Day message. On this Father’s Day we honor all the men who have taken seriously the biblical call to leadership. An overview of King David’s imperfect, but God-honoring leadership (as a father and king), shows us how to think about and implement such a calling into our own lives.
The Vintner, the Vine, and the Branches – John 15:1-5
Pastor Ron Eckberg brings a special message from the Gospel of John. Wine is mentioned well over 200 times in the Bible and its usage reveals several aspects of God’s revelation to us and his calling upon us. No passage is more profound on both counts than Jesus words recorded in John 15.
His Call to Blessing – Acts 1:1-8
Ron Huisman preaches a special sermon at Erie Evangelical Free Church. As we open to Acts 1:1-8, we focus on how God wants to use every one of us for the mission and purpose of His kingdom.
Fans or Followers – John 6
Pastor Ron Eckberg brings a special Palm Sunday message to EEFC. We celebrate as Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem and was met by a multitude of adoring fans. A few days later he faced the cross—mostly alone, abandoned, and denied. Will we be those adoring, fickle fans that run when the story doesn’t go our way or will we …
The Challenge of Worship – John 6, 12, & 18
Lay preacher Aaron Thede brings us a special message on the challenges and value of worship. The Christian life is very simple, but it’s not easy. The challenges of walking faithfully with Jesus through our day-to-day lives requires that we live in constant recognition of our opposition so that we might overcome them by the power of God’s Word, Christ’s …