Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study of 2 Timothy in our series, “Keeping the Fire Burning”. The flames of a fire may look remarkably similar even though they burn from very different sources. The same is true of the passion of those who claim faith in Jesus. And yet, we have all seen false flames burn hot and bright before …
Fanning the Flame – 2 Timothy 1:8-12
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the second week in our study through the book of 2 Timothy. Last week we discussed the fuel God has given each of us to keep the fire of our faith burning hot. But even with that fuel, we have work to do to keep the fire burning. What does it take to keep the fanning that …
Fuel for the Fire – 2 Timothy 1:1-7
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg begins a new series on the book of 2 Timothy called, “Keep the Fire Burning”. It is an easy thing, over time, to lose a bit of our passion for even the most important things. Once that fire begins to “settle down” can it be rekindled to a blazing flame? Of course! Paul shows us how God gives …