Pastor Ron Eckberg teaches the next message in our series, “Passing the Torch”. In the well known story of Jacob stealing Isaac’s blessing (from Genesis 26:34-38:9), we see how the deep-seeded issues in God’s chosen family lead to dire consequences and struggle. In doing so we see the dangers of conflict and are encouraged to see how faith overwhelms our …
Embracing God’s Blessings – Genesis 26:12-33
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series in the book of Genesis. We know that our God is a God of blessing – always giving His children all we need. And yet, how easy it is to lose our way and begin to feel that the well of His blessings has dried up. Genesis 26:12-33 gives us a look at God’s …
Enduring the Famines – Genesis 26:1-11
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through our current series, “Passing the Torch.” We will often be met with roadblocks and challenges to our faith in Jesus. Sometimes the conflict is with the world around us and other times it results from the fear within our own hearts. In Genesis 26:1-11, God reminds us that He is in control and …