Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series from 1 Thessalonians, “Hold the Line.” We know that the Christian’s life is supposed to be different from the rest of the world. But what does that mean? In 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, Paul transitions from encouraging the church’s past to pushing them forward by reminding us all of our call to live lives that …
The Pursuit of Holiness, Part 2 – Leviticus 21-22
Pastor Ron Eckberg continues our examination of God’s call to holiness through Leviticus 21-22. Oswald Chambers writes; “Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man.” In Leviticus, we have seen just how important the holiness of His people is to God and this week we see the high standard of holiness God expects his priests to observe.
The Pursuit of Holiness – Leviticus 19-20
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series through the book of Leviticus. Last week, Leviticus 17-18 showed us how we need to recognize the worth-ship of our holy God. But how does that translate into the rest of our lives? Leviticus 19-20 reveals to us the foundations that allow us to passionately pursue God’s holiness in our lives as we are …
Cleaning Day – Leviticus 16
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our series on Leviticus 11-16 in a message titled, “Cleaning Day.” It’s easy to notice when our kitchens, living rooms, or workspaces are a mess – the dishes piled up, toys thrown across the room, papers stacked upon papers. At some point, a cleaning is in order. In Leviticus 11-15, God makes a distinction between what …
Distinguishing Marks, Part 2 – Leviticus 11:24-47
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg taches the second message in our series, “Clean.” It is easy to see how impurity overwhelms our world. But, Leviticus 11 shows us that impurity is a sickness that attacks our own hearts as well. We must recognize the distinct nature of impurity in our lives so that we may grasp the antidote God has given for …
Strange Fire and Pure Worship – Leviticus 10
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches from Leviticus 10 in the next message of our series, “Come to the Altar.” Information is good, but sometimes we need to “live out” the information to truly understand it. In Leviticus 10, Aaron and his sons live out the truths God has been teaching them about approaching His holiness in worship. The lessons learned by …
Building a Worshipper – Leviticus 9
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study, “Come to the Altar,” by teaching from Chapter 9 of Leviticus. Whether it’s a meeting at work, paying our taxes, or doing house chores we all are faced with tasks that we would rather not do but that we know must be done – so we do them. Our worship of our God is …
The Standard – Leviticus 7:22-38
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series in the book of Leviticus, “Come to the Altar,” by teaching from Leviticus 7:22-38. Our world is a crazy place. We live in the midst of an everpresent battle over the most basic concepts. The problem is not a lack of intelligence or information. The problem is a lack of foundation. In this week’s …
Flame of God, Undying Fire – Leviticus 6:8-7:21
Pastor Ron Eckberg teaches week three of our study through Leviticus. It is probably safe to say that Leviticus is one of the least read books of the Bible. However, as we have been discovering in the opening weeks of our Come to the Alter series those who neglect Leviticus are missing great and wondrous truths.
Perfect Provision – Leviticus 4:1-6:7
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study through Leviticus with this week’s message, “Perfect Provision.” In our most honest moments, it is easy to recognize how far we are from perfect. We do our best but fund ourselves coming up short of God’s holiness. But God makes a way to repair what our sin has broken. Leviticus 4-6:7 shows us how …
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