Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to teach through our series in the gospel of Matthew. Nobody likes to waste their time. We want the things we do to be valuable and worth our effort. After Jesus called his disciples to action (14:13-36), He showed them the dangers of going through the motions. In this lesson we see the deception of pointless …
Raising the Bar – Matthew 5:17-48
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study of Matthew as we look at the next section of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount by reminding his disciples of their calling to and blessing in His alternate kingdom. But how, then, does this change His disciples lives? In the next section of His teaching, Jesus raises …
Faithfully Committed – Nehemiah 10
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg discusses the next message in our series, “Rebuild and Restore,” where we are walking together through the book of Nehemiah. Knowledge of how we grow and mature is good, but it is useless without a willingness to make the necessary changes. In Nehemiah 10, we see how God’s restoration of Israel plays out into their commitment His commands. Through …
Binding Our Brokenness – Galatians 3:15-29
Pastor Ron Eckberg continues our study through the book of Galatians, “The Real Thing.” The appendix is an odd part of the human anatomy. While it may have once had a purpose, it is now useless to the human body. Similarly, over the past few weeks, we’ve seen how the law is left useless in light of God’s grace. In …
The Pursuit of Joy – Leviticus 23
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues in our final study in Leviticus called, “The Pursuit.” Everybody loves a party. We take great joy in gathering together to celebrate life’s momentous occasions. But these are (usually) events we choose to celebrate. How do we respond when we are commanded to celebrate. In Leviticus 23, God commands His children to celebrate. This week we …
The Pursuit of Holiness, Part 2 – Leviticus 21-22
Pastor Ron Eckberg continues our examination of God’s call to holiness through Leviticus 21-22. Oswald Chambers writes; “Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man.” In Leviticus, we have seen just how important the holiness of His people is to God and this week we see the high standard of holiness God expects his priests to observe.