Pastor Jonathan Eckberg offers a devotional thought as we respond to our study of the book of Leviticus with a morning of prayer, praise, and communion. “What do I do now?” It is a question we’ve all asked. We complete a task or learn a skill or earn a degree and then we have to put that new information into …
The Pursuit of Blessing – Leviticus 26-27
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the final chapters of Leviticus in our series, “The Pursuit.” Have you ever faced a make-or-break decision? One that could work out great… or could be terrible? This week we will be reminded of a daily decision before us: to commit to the Lord or commit to our selves. In Leviticus 26 and 27 we see …
The Pursuit of Rest – Leviticus 25
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study through Leviticus by discussing our pursuit of rest. We all need rest. Most of us could use a lot more of it than we actually get. But rest is about more than just sitting down or sleeping in. In Leviticus 25 God tells us about how He orders life to give His people rest. …
The Pursuit of Honor – Leviticus 24
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series, “The Pursuit” by teaching from Leviticus 24. Throughout Leviticus, we are reminded that God is holy, perfect, and sovereign. Most of us know this as a fact, but it can be difficult to see how that changes the decisions and actions of our daily lives. Leviticus 24 gives us several guidelines to help us …
The Pursuit of Joy – Leviticus 23
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues in our final study in Leviticus called, “The Pursuit.” Everybody loves a party. We take great joy in gathering together to celebrate life’s momentous occasions. But these are (usually) events we choose to celebrate. How do we respond when we are commanded to celebrate. In Leviticus 23, God commands His children to celebrate. This week we …
The Pursuit of Holiness, Part 2 – Leviticus 21-22
Pastor Ron Eckberg continues our examination of God’s call to holiness through Leviticus 21-22. Oswald Chambers writes; “Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man.” In Leviticus, we have seen just how important the holiness of His people is to God and this week we see the high standard of holiness God expects his priests to observe.
The Pursuit of Holiness – Leviticus 19-20
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series through the book of Leviticus. Last week, Leviticus 17-18 showed us how we need to recognize the worth-ship of our holy God. But how does that translate into the rest of our lives? Leviticus 19-20 reveals to us the foundations that allow us to passionately pursue God’s holiness in our lives as we are …
The Pursuit of Worship – Leviticus 17-18
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg begins our final series in the Book of Leviticus by teaching from Leviticus 17-18. In Leviticus 1-16 we have seen a very clear picture of God’s perfect, holy nature. But how go about pursuing a life lived in light of God’s holiness? The rest of Leviticus gives us that answer and it begins in chapters 17 and …
Cleaning Day – Leviticus 16
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our series on Leviticus 11-16 in a message titled, “Cleaning Day.” It’s easy to notice when our kitchens, living rooms, or workspaces are a mess – the dishes piled up, toys thrown across the room, papers stacked upon papers. At some point, a cleaning is in order. In Leviticus 11-15, God makes a distinction between what …
The Body Broken for Broken Bodies – Leviticus 13-15
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches continues our study through the book of Leviticus. The human body is an incredible creation. It is filled with amazingly intricate systems and it carries out fascinating processes to sustain life. It is also quite delicate. We know the pains and struggles of sickness and disease which plague the human body. Leviticus 13-15 tells us about …
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