Jesus teaches us His requirements, unexpected consequences, and reward in the life of one who is committed to following Him. We must be willing to accept the entirety of His command to be disciples no matter the cost – and in doing so He assures us it will be worth the price we pay.
Letter of Intent – Mark 8:27-33
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg preaches the third week of our series, “Portents.” In this passage Jesus declares the full intent of His ministry. We see that His identity and His purposes are set regardless of how we would prefer He operate.
The King of Love – Mark 8:1-10
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg takes us back into our study through the book of Mark as we begin a new series entitled, “Portents.” This week we see Jesus miraculously feed 4,000 people showing the immensity of his love and compassion for all of His creation.