NOTE: We apologize for the audio quality of this week’s podcast. We lost all power just before service so the message was only recorded on the video camera at the back of the room. We will have our normal audio up next week. In the meantime, we thank you for your patience. Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our series in …
Boundless Calling – Matthew 9:35-11:1
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our series, “Passport.” Knowing who we are is important, but it only matters if we know how that identity shapes what we do. As we close this section of Matthew, we find Jesus sending out the disciples and are reminded about the boundless nature of our own calling through our identity in Jesus Christ.
His Call to Blessing – Acts 1:1-8
Ron Huisman preaches a special sermon at Erie Evangelical Free Church. As we open to Acts 1:1-8, we focus on how God wants to use every one of us for the mission and purpose of His kingdom.
Temperature Check – 2 Timothy 2:20-26
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us back into our study of the book of 2 Timothy. It’s usually pretty easy to know where we need to go, but along the way we face distractions from outside and within. So how do we know we’re on the right track? In 2 Timothy 2:20-26, Paul offers Timothy three questions to make sure his …
How We Purposefully Embrace Death
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the second week of our Back-to-School series, “The Final Bell,” in which we discuss the biblical significance of embracing death. Last week we discussed the need to embrace the reality of death in order to allow Jesus’ victory to sharpen our focus, clarify our purpose, and deepen our joy even in the loss and pain of physical death. …
Why We Must Embrace Death – Psalm 90:12-17
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg kicks off the first week of our Back-to-School series, “The Final Bell,” in a discussion about death. We know death is important (we talk about Jesus’ death). We know death is inevitable (we talk about how every person dies and faces judgment). But, still, we often keep it at an arms-length. We prefer not to deal with …
Christmas from the Chaos – Genesis 1:2a
Pastor Ron Eckberg teaches the second week of our Christmas series, “Let There Be Light.” Last week we discussed the perfection of God’s creation and how the birth of Jesus is a continuation and restoration of that perfection. But what about when life isn’t perfect? How does the Christmas story reflect God’s work of overwhelming the chaos that is all …
Mission Expansion – Colossians 4:2-6
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg preaches the penultimate message in our study through the book of Colossians. An unwavering faith is rooted in confidence. That confidence changes the way we live. In Colossians 4:2-6 Paul shows us how our understanding of purpose in our lives of faith is changed by the unwavering confidence we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Colossians 2:1-7 – Serving in the Name
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches from our current series, “Unwavering.” As followers of Jesus, we have a mission to love God and to love others. But often we struggle with the thought of how we get there. In Colossians 2:1-7, Paul gives us three thoughts to remember in helping us plot a course toward God’s calling in each of our lives.
Outward – Assembly, Week 3
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches week 3 of our current series, “Assembly,” in which we look at the biblical importance of gathering with the local church. Over the past two weeks we’ve talked about several theological truths that are reinforced by the act of gathering together with the church each week. But how does that shape the way we live our …