Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches from Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23. With so much happening during the Christmas season we sometimes forget that the reason we are able to sing our songs of praise is because we have a God who is not distant, but one who came and stays near. This Sunday we will discuss the why it is a …
The Song of Heaven – Luke 2:14
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches from Luke 2:14 and the song of the choir of angels. Christmas can be a crazy and chaotic season of activity that draws our attention to so many things other than the birth of Jesus Christ. But how do we re-focus with so much going on? This week we look at the angels’ song to see …
The Song of Mary – Luke 1:46-55
Pastor Ron Eckberg continues ours series, “Sing to the King” by looking at the song of Mary from Luke 1:46-55. To know someone’s heart simply listen to the song they sing. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a perfect example. This week we will examine Mary’s song as she pours out her heart to God in praise and thanksgiving for …
The Song of Zechariah – Luke 1:67-79
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our advent series, “Sing to the King,” by walking us through the song of Zechariah in Luke 1:67-79. The Christmas season (rightfully) bombards us with the miraculous birth of Jesus, the son of God, our great deliverer entering into humanity to save us. In this week’s passage we see how this long-awaited arrival should shape our …
The Song of the Prophets – Isaiah 9:1-7
Pastor Ron Eckberg begins our new series, “Sing to the King,” by looking at the song of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah. God speaks the promise of the coming savior through Isaiah and in doing so shows us the full extent of Jesus saving work in our lives.