Pastor Jonathan Eckberg brings a special Christmas Day message on the significance of the birth of Jesus and what makes this the greatest gift we could ever receive.
The Incarnation – Twas the Night Before Christmas (Week 4)
Pastor Ron Eckberg concludes our Advent series, “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” by examining the importance of God entering into our world by way of a human baby. In this message we see how crucial this is to Jesus’ purposed work on earth.
The Virgin Birth – Twas the Night Before Christmas (Week 3)
This week we were joined by Jim Bultema, an EEFC supported missionary who is currently serving in Turkey. Jim shared with us the importance of the reality that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
The Line of the King – Twas the Night Before Christmas (Week 2)
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches on the significance of the family line of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-17. In this passage we see how Jesus is the perfect provider, ruler, and deliverer who was promised in the Old Testament.
Why Bethlehem? – Twas the Night Before Christmas (Week 1)
Pastor Ron Eckberg begins our Advent series, “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” by examining the significance of the little town called Bethlehem. In doing so we see how God gives significance to our own lives by His calling.
Thankful in All Things – Psalm 103:1-5
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg delivers a timely message on remaining thankful no matter the situations of your life. This week we study Psalm 103:1-5 and see five reminders to keep us thankful in all things at all times.
Jesus is Near! – Mark 7:31-37
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us through a study of Mark 7:31-37. Here we see, in the healing of a man who is deaf and has a speech impediment, how God has purposefully, personally, and wonderfully drawn near to His people through Jesus Christ.
The Immensity of Jesus – Mark 7:24-30
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg walks us through Jesus strange interaction with a woman who seeks healing for her daughter. In the encounter Jesus shows us the grand scope of His work of salvation and the reward that comes through our faith in who He is and what He has done for us.
The Opposite of Religion is Amazing! – Mark 7:1-23
Pastor Ron Eckberg teaches from Mark 7:1-23. In this weeks message we see the religious elite of Jesus’ day focused solely on the duty and acts of their religion without the proper heart behind them. We are challenged to set our hearts right and let the acts follow after.
The Jesus Experience – Mark 6:45-56
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg walks us through two very distinct responses to the experience of the presence of Jesus in Mark 6:45-46.