Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches from Mark 6:30-44 where Jesus miraculously provides a meal for a massive crowd. In doing so He reminds the disciples that He is the true good shepherd. These verses show us that our entire source of compassion, comfort, and provision is found only in Jesus.
The Odd Couple – Mark 6:14-29
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg preaches from Mark 6:14-29 on the strange relationship between Herod and John the Baptist. In examining their interactions we see two distinct reactions to the watershed divide created by the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Charge! – Mark 6:6b-13
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches from Mark 6:6b-13 as we begin our new series, “The Great Divide.” In this week’s passage Jesus sends his disciples out on mission, giving them all they need to complete it. We see that we, too, have a mission and have been given the authority, the resources, and the support to carry it out.
Greater Than My Unbelief – Mark 6:1-6a
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the final message in our series, “Greater Than.” This week we examine Jesus’ appearance in his own hometown. He is met with rejection by those who should know him the best. We’ll see how even in the midst of such unbelief, in the people of Nazareth or our own hearts, Jesus is still Great enough to …
Greater Than My Strength – Mark 5:21-43
Pastor Ron Eckberg shares from Mark 5:21-43 in week three of our series, “Greater Than.” In this message we encounter the reality that Jesus is greater than anything we can do or offer on our own behalf.
Greater Than My Condition – Mark 5:1-20
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg teaches the second week of our series, “Greater Than,” by walking through Mark 5:1-20. This week we see a mirror for our human condition and the extent of Jesus power to meet the need of that condition.
Greater Than My Storm – Mark 4:35-41
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg begins our series, “Greater Than” by teaching through Mark 4:35-41. In this message we see Jesus calm the sea and, in doing so, He shows us that no matter what storms life brings our way we have a savior who is greater than our storms.
Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing – Philippians 3:13-14
Pastor Ron Eckberg walks us through Philippians 3:13-14 and encourages us to examine our lives to make sure that it is the Gospel that brings focus and drive to our thoughts and actions in every aspect of our lives.
How Should I Study the Bible?
In this week’s message Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our series, “Hitting the Books” by answer the question of how we should approach our study of the Bible. In doing so we examine three key principles that guide and direct our study to a powerful and productive outcome.
Why Should I Study the Bible? – Psalm 119:97-104
In the second week of our series, “Hitting the Books,” we address the question of why we need to engage in the study of God’s Word. This week we look to Psalm 119 to show us three practical needs in the life of every person that are met by spending time in the Scriptures.