Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us into Matthew 13 in the middle of our series, “Polar Exploration”. In Matthew 11-12, Jesus has shown us varying responses to His identity as our Savior. By doing so, we are reminded that we all must respond to the call of the gospel. Why is our response so important? Jesus tells us in Matthew 13:1-23.
The Assurance in our Adoption – Matthew 12:38-50
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg dives back into our study of the book of Matthew. Doubt is a common experience in the Christian faith. But in our moments of doubt, how do we remain steadfast in our adoption into God’s family? Matthew 12:38-50 shows us three ways to build a foundation of trust in Jesus’ power, authority, and grace.
The Pull of Faith and Doubt – Matthew 11:1-19
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us unto a brand new series called, “Polar Exploration,” as part our study through the gospel of Matthew. The ministry of Jesus drew a myriad of responses. Some people whole-heartedly accepted Him, others followed with reservations or in search of entertainment, still others violently opposed Him. In the end, as is the case today, our faith …
Sanctification Through Christ – Romans 6:14
Josh Green offers a special message on living for Christ. The moment of our salvation is an eternity shaping event. Whether we feel the magnitude of it or not, it is the single most important instant of our lives. But… what then? How does the immensity of that powerful moment shape our everyday lives? Paul explains in Romans 6:1-14.
When Good is Never Good Enough – School Colors (Week 1)
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg launches us into this year’s Back-to-School series called, “School Colors”. Nearly everyone wants to be a good person, to leave a good legacy, to feel good about who we are. And yet, in the kingdom of this world, with all the striving for good, we see an abundance of misery, bitterness, and anything but “good” all around …
A Different Look – Matthew 5:1-16
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg preaches the second week of series, “The King and His Kingdom.” Last week, Matthew introduced the call to the Kingdom of Heaven through Jesus’ ministry. But what does it look like for us to live in and for such a kingdom? We see Jesus begin to clearly define the life of a Kingdom disciple in the opening …
Let it Burn! – 2 Timothy 4:1-8
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through our study of the book of 2 Timothy. Building, working, and maintaining the fire of our faith if hard work. Over time it can become easier and easier to lose focus or become overwhelmed by fatigue and opposition. In 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Paul gives us instructions on how to constantly keep the …
Distinguishing an Extinguishing Flame – 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through the book of 2 Timothy in our series, “Keep the Fire Burning”. Last week we were confronted with three questions to help us keep our fire burning. But how do we know when we are dealing with a flame that is flickering out? This week we see the evidence of a dying …
Purified by Fire – 2 Timothy 2:14-19
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues our study through the letter of 2 Timothy. We all know the power of words. With our tongues we can build others up or just as easily tear them down. In 2 Timothy 2:14-19, after affirming the power of the fire of faith (v8-13), Paul tells Timothy how a hot and bright fire purifies a believer, …
The Power of the Flame – 2 Timothy 2:8-13
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through our study of 2 Timothy. Through the first section of Paul’s letter he has implored us to do the hard work of tending to the flame of their faith. But now, in 2 Timothy 2:8-13, we find a shift to remind us of the power of the flame we’ve been discussing and …