Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us unto a brand new series called, “Polar Exploration,” as part our study through the gospel of Matthew. The ministry of Jesus drew a myriad of responses. Some people whole-heartedly accepted Him, others followed with reservations or in search of entertainment, still others violently opposed Him. In the end, as is the case today, our faith …
The Cancellation of Cancel Culture – School Colors (Week 3)
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our 2024 Back-to-School series. It’s easy to accept that no one is perfect. What’s hard is dealing with the imperfections that hurt you. The cultural approach to such infractions is to seek personal retribution so that failure is immediately punished to our own satisfaction. That may sound fair, but it’s unhelpful, unhealthy, and ungodly. So how …
The Nature of True Love – School Colors (Week 2)
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us through the second week of our Back-to-School series, “School Colors.” The idea of “love” is central to our culture. It is needed, sought, and sometimes even weaponized. This is because the word gets used with varying meanings behind it. So, for the Kingdom-centered life, how is love understood and employed differently compared to the worldly-centered life?
When Good is Never Good Enough – School Colors (Week 1)
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg launches us into this year’s Back-to-School series called, “School Colors”. Nearly everyone wants to be a good person, to leave a good legacy, to feel good about who we are. And yet, in the kingdom of this world, with all the striving for good, we see an abundance of misery, bitterness, and anything but “good” all around …
Faithfulness Trusted – Joel 3:1-21
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg closes out our study in the book of Joel. Last week we saw God revealing His faithfulness through Joel. But what now? As we close this short prophetic book, God challenges HIs people (that us!) to trust in the faithfulness Joel revealed. How do we do this? We find the keys in Joel 3:1-21.
Faithfulness Revealed – Joel 2:18-32
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg leads us through the second week of a three-week series covering the book of Joel. Last week we saw how God confronts our sin with fitting consequences and discipline. This week our attention is turned to God’s response to His people’s repentance and we celebrate how God’s faithfulness is revealed through His goodness, promises, and restoration.
Invasion – Joel 1:1-2:17
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg launches into a three-week study of the book of Joel in series called, “Detour.” It is an easy thing to find ourselves a little off track in our lives and in our faith. In the opening sections of the book of Joel, God’s intervenes to call his wayward children to change direction and come back to Him. …
A Tale of Two Fathers – 1 Kings 2:1-4
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg offers a special Father’s Day message. On this Father’s Day we honor all the men who have taken seriously the biblical call to leadership. An overview of King David’s imperfect, but God-honoring leadership (as a father and king), shows us how to think about and implement such a calling into our own lives.
Boundless Calling – Matthew 9:35-11:1
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg concludes our series, “Passport.” Knowing who we are is important, but it only matters if we know how that identity shapes what we do. As we close this section of Matthew, we find Jesus sending out the disciples and are reminded about the boundless nature of our own calling through our identity in Jesus Christ.
Boundless Hope – Matthew 9:1-8
Pastor Jonathan Eckberg continues to lead us through the book of Over the past few weeks we’ve observed Jesus’ display of His authority and God’s grace. Why are these so important in our day-to-day lives? Matthew answers this question in the next story of healing. In Matthew 9:1-8 we find the boundless hope of the Messiah’s identity and mission.